TEDct offers £500 bursaries

TEDct is offering bursary awards to help promote awareness of thyroid eye disease.

Are you a healthcare professional working with thyroid eye disease (TED) patients? If so then you may be eligible to apply for a bursary from the charity TEDct.

TEDct exists to improve the lives of those with this rare auto-immune disease which causes disfigurement trauma, intense discomfort and threatens sight. TED predominantly effects patients who have an underlying thyroid condition.

Over 50% of patients with an underlying thyroid condition develop thyroid eye disease – over half of them go undiagnosed

Bursary applications are now invited

TEDct is providing bursaries in order to support education about TED, and is now inviting applicants who match the eligibility criteria.

In some cases applicants may be awarded in excess of £500. TEDct looks forward to receiving applications.

Further information about the TEDct bursaries and an application form can be found on the TEDct website.