Links and Resources
Links and resources for people affected by TED
The internet can be quite overwhelming when trying to find good information about TED, so we have gathered these resources that you may find useful.
In this section you can find leaflets and information we have developed for people with TED, as well as links to other sites and resources you might find useful.
General TED Information
Dietary sources of selenium
Research has suggested that low levels of the mineral selenium may make TED worse. Supplements of 200mcg a day are one way to top up your selenium levels, but if you prefer to increase the selenium levels in your diet, this article from the Harvard School of Public Health tells us about foods that are naturally high in selenium.
NHS Stop Smoking Services
It is known that smoking increases your chances of getting TED and can also make your symptoms worse. In addition treatment is less effective if you have active TED and smoke. We know it can be difficult to kick the habit.
Charities & Organisations
Changing Faces
TED can cause trauma due to visible differences. Changing Faces is a charity that supports and represents people who have conditions or injuries which affect their appearance.
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and offers some very useful information and support to people with thyroid eye disease. If you’re struggling with feelings of isolation and need to speak to someone regarding the visual impairment caused by this condition you could contact them.
British Thyroid Foundation
The British Thyroid Foundation (BTF) understands how having a thyroid disorder can impact your life. They are a membership organisation dedicated to supporting you to live better with your thyroid condition and they have quite a lot of information about thyroid eye disease.