Links & Resources
Links and resources for healthcare professionals about TED
BOPSS Consultant Finder
TEDct has a policy of not recommending individual doctors or surgeons. However, consultants who are members of BOPSS (British Oculoplastic Surgical Society) have all completed advanced training in oculoplastic surgery so if you are looking for an eye specialist we recommend checking the BOPSS consultant finder.
British Thyroid Foundation
BTF is our sister charity, supporting people with all types of thyroid problems. You can find information about Graves’ disease and other thyroid disorders here. They have a selection of downloadable leaflets, plus informative videos and other resources.
Changing Faces
Changing Faces supports and represents people who have conditions or injuries which affect their appearance. You may find their website and services helpful if the way thyroid eye disease has changed your appearance is affecting your self confidence or impacting you psychologically.
Support to stop smoking
We know that smoking makes thyroid eye disease worse. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do if you have thyroid eye disease, but we know how hard it can be. The NHS has a range of services to help people stop smoking, including online advice, an app, and local services in your area that can be found through this site.
EUGOGO website
EUGOGO is the European Group on Graves Ophthalmopathy, a multidisciplinary group set up to promote research and education about TED.
Their website includes a number of resources for healthcare professionals, including downloadable proformas, a reference atlas to help identify disease severity, and consensus guidelines for TED management.
International Thyroid Eye Disease Society (ITEDS)
ITEDS is a society of healthcare professionals interested in international collaboration about thyroid eye disease. The society runs a major international meeting on TED every 3 years, and hosts a number of resources on their website.
Diagnosing TED
TED is often not diagnosed early enough, or is even completely missed. Nearly half of thyroid eye disease sufferers report a delay of at least six months between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of TED. In a quarter of those patients the delay can be a year or more. TEDct is campaigning for early diagnosis of TED. This is information for general practise professionals to diagnose and manage thyroid eye disease.
The Thyroid Eye Disease Amsterdam Declaration Implementation Group UK (TEAMeD UK) was established to implement the Amsterdam Declaration, which pledged to improve care for people with TED and to prevent TED in those at risk. TEDct and BTF jointly collaborate on TEAMed UK.